CI models consist of 4 parameter files :
- mixture_weights: the weights given to every Gaussian in the Gaussian mixture corresponding to a state
- transition_matrices: the matrix of state transition probabilities
- means: means of all Gaussians
- variances: variances of all Gaussians
To begin training the CI models, each of these files must have some initial
entries, ie, they must be "initialized". The mixture_weights and
transition_matrices are initialized using the executable
mk_flat. It needs the following arguments:
-moddeffn | CI model definition file |
-topo | HMM topology file |
-mixwfn | file in which you want to write the
initialized mixture weights |
-tmatfn | file in which you want to write the
initialized transition matrices |
-nstream | number of independent feature streams, for
continuous models this number should be set to "1", without the double quotes
-ndensity | number of Gaussians modeling each state. For CI
models, this number should be set to "1" |
To initialize the means and variances, global values of these parameters are
first estimated and then copied into appropriate positions in the parameter
The global mean is computed using
all the vectors you have in your feature files. This is usually
a very large number, so the job is divided into many parts. At this
stage you tell the Sphinx how many parts you want it to divide this
operation into (depending on the computing facilities you have)
and the Sphinx "accumulates" or gathers up the vectors for each part
separately and writes it into an intermediate buffer on your machine.
The executable
init_gau is used
for this purpose. It needs the following arguments:
-accumdir | directory in which you want to write the
intermediate buffers |
-ctlfn | control file |
-part | part number |
-npart | total number of parts |
-cepdir | path to feature files - this will be appended
before all paths given in the control file |
-cepext | filename extension of feature files, eg. "mfc"
for files called a/b/c.mfc. Double quotes are not needed |
-feat | type of feature |
-ceplen | dimensionality of base feature vectors |
-agc | automatic gain control factor(max/none) |
-cmn | cepstral mean normalization(yes/no) |
-varnorm | variance normalization(yes/no) |
Once the buffers are written, the contents of the buffers are
"normalized" or used to compute a global mean value for the feature vectors.
This is done using the executable
norm with
the following flag settings:
-accumdir | buffer directory |
-meanfn | file in which you want to write the global mean |
-feat | type of feature |
-ceplen | dimensionality of base feature vector |
The next step is to "accumulate" the vectors for computing a global variance
value. The executable
init_gau, when
called a second time around, takes the value of the global mean and
collects a set of (vector-globalmean)
2 values for the
entire data set. This time around, this executable needs the following
-accumdir | directory in which you want to write the
intermediate buffers |
-meanfn | globalmean file |
-ctlfn | control file |
-part | part number |
-npart | total number of parts |
-cepdir | path to feature files - this will be appended
before all paths given in the control file |
-cepext | filename extension of feature files, eg. "mfc"
for files called a/b/c.mfc. Double quotes are not needed |
-feat | type of feature |
-ceplen | dimensionality of base feature vectors |
-agc | automatic gain control factor(max/none) |
-cmn | cepstral mean normalization(yes/no) |
-varnorm | variance normalization(yes/no) |
Again, once the buffers are written, the contents of the buffers are
"normalized" or used to compute a global variance value for the feature
vectors. This is again done using the executable
norm with
the following flag settings:
-accumdir | buffer directory |
-varfn | file in which you want to write the global variance
-feat | type of feature |
-ceplen | dimensionality of base feature vector |
Once the global mean and global variance are computed, they have to be
copied into the means and variances of every
state of each of the HMMs. The global mean is written
into appropriate state positions in a
means file while the
global variance is written into appropriate state positions in a
variances file. If you are using the scripts provided with the SPHINX package,
you will find these files with "flatinitial" as part of its name in
the model_parameters directory.
The flat
means and
variances file can be created using the
cp_parm. In order to be able
to use this executable you will have to create a
map file which is
a two-column file, with the left column id-ing the state *to* which
the global value has to be copied, and the right column id-ing the state
*from* which it has to be copied. If there are "nphones"
CI phones and each state has "nEstate_per_hmm" EMITTING states, there
will be ntotal_Estates = nphones * nEstate_per_hmm lines in the
copyoperations map file; the state id-s (on the left column) run from 0
thru (ntotal_Estates - 1). Here is an example
for a 3-state hmm (nEstate_per_hmm = 3) for two phones (nphones = 2)
(ntotal_Estates = 6; so, state ids would vary from 0-5):
0 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
cp_parm requires the following arguments.
-cpopsfn | copyoperations map file |
-igaufn | input global mean (or variance) file |
-ncbout | number of phones times the number of states per
HMM (ie, total number of states) |
-ogaufn | output initialized means (or variances) file |
cp_parm has to be run twice, once for
copying the means, and once for copying the variances. This completes the
initialization process for CI training.
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